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American scientists study high-frequency transmission, ultra Wi-Fi, fast one hundred times, second p

chinatopwin chinatopwin 2017-08-16 09:25:54
The use of Wi-Fi Internet is an integral part of life, American scientists have recently discovered a 
new data transmission technology, can be used for the development of super high speed Wi-Fi. 
general wireless network, the fastest 500MB per second, scientists have successfully overcome 
technical barriers, the use of "terahertz" (terahertz) radio transmission data, the speed can be up 
to 50GB per second, about 100 faster times.

The wireless network mainly in the microwave transmission of voice and data between the
 wavelength between microwave and infrared terahertz, high frequency. It can carry more data, 
cope with the increasing demand of Wi-Fi Internet. Researchers use high-definition TV 
transmission experiments, results show that the terahertz system transmit data with 10GB per 
second speed, has achieved "zero error", even to the highest speed 50GB error rate, can still 
present communication network correction system solution.
A voice or data transmission system needs multi task (multiplexing) technology, namely through 
the same channel multiple signals. Therefore, researchers in two pieces of metal balance as a 
wave guide, a piece of a middle slit, when carrying terahertz wave data through the waveguide, 
they shoot slit angle based on the frequency will vary, to distinguish it from a different signal. 
The Brown University professor Mittelmann Institute said, this is the first time the scientific 
community of THz transmission of the actual data, is expected to become the basis for future 
terahertz wireless networks.