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VR enriches lessons, learning experience

Cherry 2016-11-10 10:20:26
FUZHOU - Instead of pens and paper, students in the classrooms of the future 
will have headsets and rather than learning by rote they will be encouraged to 
take a more hands on approach to their studies. 

Although in its early stages of development, schools in China are exploring how 
they can incorporate VR lessons into their classroom experience. One such 
lesson, by online game developer NetDragon, uses VR to teach children fire 
Students are catapulted into a simulated environment where a fire has broken 
out. They must crawl across the floor and avoid obstacles, such as desks and 
chairs, and escape.
VR education tools are not just for school children, either.
At the VR medical school under Sichuan University, a virtual anatomy system 
allows medical students to examine organs and tissues from every angle. They 
can even isolate organs for closer inspection.
A virtual scalpel is currently in development, which will mean students can 
practice their surgical skills without the need for a real body.
The VR sector has huge potential and a growing number of Chinese developers 
are exploring how VR can be used as an educational tool.