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CHINA TOPWIN الصناعة المحدودة. تأسست في عام 2002. في موقف "دراسة لدينا الابتكار والنهوض بها... اتصل الآن


The mystery of the kudzu powder

chinatopwin chinatopwin 2017-06-02 08:57:41
The kudzu powder, also called the ge powder, is divided into the root starch and the whole  
powder. Kudzu root contains 12% of flavonoids, such as puerarin, soybean, peanut,  
chopped flavonoids and other nutrients, protein, amino acid, sugar, and essential  
minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, selenium, is a rare tonic for young and old,  
has the reputation of "one thousand ginseng", have medicinal value, and nutritious health  
care efficacy.